Monday, March 29, 2010

A Photo A Day Week 21

[139] Monday 22 March 2010: I finally got around to picking up a roast chicken dinner from The Mercantile. It was yummy.

[140] Tuesday 23 March 2010: I hung out at Jesse and Whitney's while they flew home. I watched the movie Inkheart, which was really cute.[141] Wednesday 24 March 2010: I found some sweet bridal shoes.
[142] Thursday 25 March 2010: Grandma and Jim came through town so we went out to dinner and had a grand time. [143] Friday 26 March 2010: Super-G eats a tomato.[144] Saturday 27 March 2010: Jesse, do you see the solar flares?[145] Sunday 28 March 2010: I was too busy drinking Laura's magical margaritas to take any pictures of their beautiful house. So here's one of my beautiful betrothed.

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