Monday, January 11, 2010

A Photo a Day Week 10

We're back home and having a great start to the new year. We've been eating healthily and I got a new job. Bring it on, 2010.

[62] Monday 4 January 2010: Our last leg of the DTW-ATL trip and D is ready to be home.
[63] Tuesday 5 January 2010: Washed and put away our new set of dishes. You can't see it but they're red on the surface.[64] Wednesday 6 January 2010: I treated myself with 1 of D's 3 super sweet Christmas presents. [65] Thursday 7 January 2010: I got a job at the Atlanta Progressive Preschool and this is my snazzy new classroom! [66] Friday 8 January 2010: The Atlanta Blizzard of 2010 live from my front stoop! This isn't halfway through, this is the ENTIRE snowfall.
[67] Saturday 9 January 2010: Laura and I stopped by Ikea to get ideas for her new house and were greeted with a free breakfast. Thank you very much, people of Sweden.[68] Sunday 10 January 2010: Jesus sent me a postcard. He's so thoughtful that way.

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