I'm not sure if you got the memo, but there are some problems with using Vietnam in defense of your current endeavours in Iraq. It didn't actually bring democracy and puppies to the region then, what makes you so certain it's going to happen now? I'm not sure if you've checked recently but the country is still actually one of the only "communist" countries left in the world. So not only was US involvement there a complete waste of time, money, lives, and press coverage, but it produced a very strong nation that pretty much came to be everything you went there in the first place to defeat. Not that you went... national guard ponce.
Anyway my point is, while you may be trying to reinvent the wheel with your "I'm going to claim Iraq as the new Vietnam before anyone else does... but in my favour" speeches you might want to check out what people have been saying for a while now. You didn't beat them to it. This comparison has been made, and it's old hat by this point.
As you put it, the
hear hear!
i love you. i love your writing. i love your west wing reference. you rock!
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