Monday, October 04, 2010

A Photo A Day Week 47

This week we said sad goodbyes to Sophia. We also got a really sweet dog who likes to run around in circles, chew on things and shake his butt. I'm told these are standard dog things.

[322] Monday 21 September 2010: We did some outdoor crafting during my afternoon job with the girls.

[323] Tuesday 22 September 2010: I've been dying to make Zingerman's chai recipe ever since the temperatures first dipped below 80. Haven't gotten to it yet, mostly because it takes a long time, doesn't keep well and I'm the only one I know who would drink it.
[324] Wednesday 23 September 2010: We started going out in front of the building for our morning meetings at school. Interest has definitely increased.
[325] Thursday 24 September 2010: Goodbye SiL! We'll miss you. Come home soon.
[326] Friday 25 September 2010: This is Ender the dog. We have decided to keep him because he's sweet, he looks like a hyena and we love him.
[327] Saturday 26 September 2010: I started my first scarf at my first knitting class! Learning is way harder than teaching.
[328] Sunday 27 September 2010: Donnie showing off his new (old) James Taylor record.

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