Friday, September 03, 2010

A Photo A Day Week 42: Wedding Edition!

We're back! Our wedding week/honeymoon roadtrip/general vacation and fun time with everyone we love was a huge success and we are so grateful to all of the people who made the trip, helped out with some element of the ceremony or reception and generally made our celebration kickass. We're also really feeling the love from all of the people in Atlanta, Chiang Mai and other places who couldn't be there but have sent us well wishes.

I don't have a ton of wedding pictures but I did take heaps of photos. They'll likely make it to facebook in the next month or two but in the meantime the photo a day continues.

[287] Monday 16 August 2010: Our first stop on the way up north was at Mammoth Caves in Kentucky where we saw some pretty cool stalactites.

[288] Tuesday 17 August 2010: Jamie loves this picture of himself. We were toasting my dad's new job and awaiting Donnie's side of the family for dinner. Jamie decided to sing opera?
[289] Wednesday 18 August 2010: We introduced Donnie to fish and chips Canadian style on our first night in-country.
[290] Thursday 19 August 2010: Henna! Jen and Julie hosted a wonderful party filled with delicious food, heartfelt readings and a crazy Indian henna artist, Panina. Also a surprise afghan that I love love love.
[291] Friday 20 August 2010: My beautiful cousin Nicole and aunt Tracy!

[292] Saturday 21 August 2010: This is my favourite shot from my camera on our wedding day. Granted there aren't that many, because I didn't know where my camera was for most of the day. The boys helped Roger take some killer shots and they looked good doing it.
[293] Sunday 22 August 2010: Husband and Wife! For just under 24 hours in this picture. We stopped by Niagara Falls on the start of our roadtrip and it was mostly mistly but still stunning.

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