Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Photo A Day Week 27

[182] Monday 3 May 2010: I tossed a giant raw meatball for Sophia's amusement.

[183] Tuesday 4 May 2010: This week in the CSA we got garlic in the same form as spring onions. It sauteed it in oil and added kale and it was delicious.
[184] Wednesday 5 May 2010: The revenge of the pepper spray! This is what my face looked like for most of the week. Well, without the unimpressed smirk.
[185] Thursday 6 May 2010: The choir performed at a church downtown that was built in 1902 and had beautiful stained glass windows.
[186] Friday 7 May 2010: Once upon a time in a galaxy not that far away the boys fought with their "lightsavers" before dinner time.
[187] Saturday 8 May 2010: Just what is Gracyn trying to tell me with this look?
[188] Sunday 9 May 2010: Anthony, dressed in his "monkey suit" drinks from his giant tankard as we wait for Iron Man 2 to begin.

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